Picture of North Park 神学院 Cupola in 芝加哥



Many students who are considering attending 北公园神学院 have similar questions about the 应用程序 process 和 options for study. 虽然这个列表并不全面, 每个申请人都是独一无二的, we hope it begins to answer some of your questions as you discern your call to seminary study. Many questions about our academic programs can also be answered by reading the program information for each 学位 or 证书.

你也可以 联系神学院招生小组 with more questions or for more information about any of our programs.

North Park admits students to our master’s 学位s 和 most 证书 programs on a rolling 应用程序 system, 也就是说你可以随时申请. 然而,我们已经确定 优先级的最后期限 for 应用程序s to various terms 和 programs. These deadlines ensure priority consideration for financial aid, 奖学金, 课程注册, 和住房. Some cohort-based programs do have specific 应用程序 deadlines.

是的. Our accrediting agency requires that we receive official transcripts sent to us by the institution attended in a sealed envelope.

是的. We need all transcripts from all post-secondary institutions you have ever attended. This includes trade schools, military, etc.

No. Please have them fill out the relevant form located inside your 应用程序. 你需要把它填满. Please do not say, “see resume” or “see transcript.”

是的. If you want to take a couple of classes for personal reasons, or as you are discerning what program is right for you, 您将完成 访问学生申请. It is shorter than the regular 应用程序s.

是的. 在几乎所有的情况下, the classes you take toward a 证书 can be applied toward required courses or electives in a master’s program.

No. 每个学位课程都需要一个 minimum number of credit hours to be completed on North Park’s 芝加哥 campus. 然而, the 神学院 offers 密集的课程 during the summer 和 January terms to help distance students meet this requirement.

北公园是 committed to making a 神学院 education affordable for all students who are called to ministry. We aim to keep our tuition at a reasonable rate, 并提供一系列奖学金, 奖助金, 和 loans to help you fund your education. 了解更多关于 现行学费费率奖学金选项.

North Park operates on a semester schedule. Fall 和 spring semester-long courses are 16 weeks, which includes either a fall or spring break 和 final exams. 神学院也提供 密集的课程 over the winter 和 summer breaks, which vary in length.

节目长度因 证书 or 学位, 和 by whether you attend full-time or part-time. If attending full-time, most master’s 学位s can be completed in two or three years. Certificates typically take at least one year, due to course scheduling. Cohort 证书s are offered on a specific two-和-a-half-year schedule. 你的 神学院招生代表 can help you determine how long it might take you to complete the program you’re interested in, 鉴于你的特殊情况.

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